Contact us

You can contact us from anywhere in the world by phone or WhatsApp.


Call Us:

Unified Number: +966 920022222

Whatsapp: 920022222

Note: To contact any of the service centers, the contact should be done through the mobile or the landline registered on your membership account in order to avail the service (you have to provide your membership number).


Alfursan Care Center
Country or Territory Telephone Number
Saudi Arabia 920022222 within KSA
+966 12686 1010 Outside KSA (International number )
Jordan +962 65777766
UK +44 3712004433
France +33 820200505
Italy +39 06895848
Switzerland +41 848006600
Germany +49 1803698888
Spain +34 910602163
USA +1-800-472-8342
Canada +1-855-588-0999
Turkey +90 8504551601