Hand Baggage

Saudia allows each passenger to carry a certain amount of hand luggage according to the class of travel, and are under the custody and responsibility of the passenger. All Hand luggage may be placed in the upper shelves within the aircraft.
First and Business Classes
- Adult and Child only are allowed to carry on hand luggage. Infant not allowed.
- A bag or hand-bag allowance (the size of the piece not to exceed 56 X 45 X 25 (Cm) (22x18 x10) (In))
- A documents briefcase (the size of the piece not to exceed 45 X 20 X 35 (Cm) 18 X 08X 14 (In))
- One piece does not exceed 12 kg in addition to a briefcase does not exceed 9 kg.
Guest Class
- Hand bag (the size of the piece not to exceed 56 X 45 X 25 (Cm) (22 X 18 X 10) (In))
- The total weight of the luggage not to exceed 7 kg.
- New rules were imposed for special hand luggage on all passengers traveling to and/or from airports within the United States, Canada and the EU countries, and on board transit flights crossing these airports. These rules include the following:
- Allow to carry only one piece of hand luggage.
- Allow to carry within the hand luggage some materials such as (food and milk for children / medicines / computer (laptop) / mobile phone and some necessary electrical materials / money and passenger's passports and travel documents.
- It is a must to use a transparent plastic bag to put food and milk for children / medicines (the total volume of all packages placed in the plastic bag is not to exceed one liter), to be examined by the security services.
- The traveler may have to provide proof for the fact of these drugs.
Note: The security authorities will confiscate the items that exceed the limits specified above, or when they are not placed in plastic bags.