Contact Information

Student Travel Care Team is honored to serve members of King Abdullah Scholarship Program worldwide through Student care center using dedicated communication channels to provide reservation services, tickets issuance, after sales services and all needed support

Contact numbers
Country Contact number
Saudi Arabia 920020828
United States of America +15713634153
Spain +34919464074
Australia +61261452929
Sweden +46812111643
China +862180360443
Philippines +63286263213
Germany +491803698888
Hungary +36212111455
Austria 43720881527+
Japan +815050507940
Italy +96265504833
Ireland +353766803941
Britain +442084356619
Belgium +3228085353
Singapore +6531586032
France +33176440491
Canada +14378860301
South Korea +827074734476
Malaysia +601548770721
New Zealand +6449749445