• If I entered the passenger’s name incorrect, what should I do?

    You should visit Saudia city ticketing office or calling the telephone sales centers.

  • How many passengers I can book for in one booking reference through Saudia website?

    You can book up to 9 passengers maximum (adults or children), Saudia website allows adding one infant per adult passenger.

  • What is the time limit for domestic flights?

    Two hours from the moment you create the booking.

  • What is the time limit for international flights?

    Time limit depends upon the class of service and the location of the first departing flight within the booking.

  • I am in KSA and wish to pay the ticket fare, what are the forms of payment available?

    Available forms of payment are SADAD ,MADA, VISA, Master Card and American express.

  • I am outside KSA and wish to pay the ticket fare, what are the forms of payment available?

    Available forms of payment are VISA, master card and American express.

  • Can I pay in cash through SAUDIA sales office?

    Yes, but you will miss out on the special fares offered through SAUDIA website.

  • Can I pay through one of the travel agents?

    Booking created through Saudia website can’t be displayed at travel agents.

  • Is it mandatory to include that the credit card owner in the booking?

    Yes, and in case he/she isn’t traveling, then one of the passengers has to get an official authorization to use the credit card and Saudia is entitled to deny boarding the passenger(s) in case he/she didn’t have it.

  • What is a booking reference?

    It is the identification number for your booking which consists of 6 letters or 12 numbers, it has one or more segments including the name(s) of the passenger(s), contact information and ticket number(s).

  • Where do I get the e-tickets after the payment?

    After the payment is done, you will receive an SMS including the ticket number in addition to the ticket receipt which is delivered to your email too.

  • Do all other airlines accept e-tickets?

    Yes, all other airlines uses e-tickets.

  • What is the validity of the e-ticket?

    Domestic and International tickets validity is one year from the issue date (not renewable after that date); except what is mentioned in the ticket or the conditions or the applied tariff which limits the validity of the ticket (that will be displayed in the ticket at the validity field).

  • What is the required information to complete a booking?

    For domestic flights
    After choosing the requested flights, you must provide the following information:
    • Name(s) of passengers(s) in English.
    • National ID or Iqama number, its place of issue and date of expiry
    • Passenger’s nationality and date of birth.
    • Mobile Phone number
    • Email address

    For international flights
    After choosing the requested flights, you must provide the following information:
    • Name(s) of passenger(s) as per the passport.
    • Passport number, its place of issue and date of expiry.
    • Passenger’s nationality and date of birth.
    • Mobile Phone number
    • Email address

  • How do i book my flights?

    On the home page, You will find a list of the destinations that Saudia and its partners fly to where all you need to do is to choose a departure and arrival destinations.

  • What should i do if i paid for the ticket but didn’t receive the e-ticket number?

    In case you didn’t receive the e-ticket number, kindly contact the website’s support.

  • What is the correct way to add passengers’ names?

    Adding full name as per passport for international flights, and matches the national ID for domestic flights, avoiding translating names at translation websites or programs which gives literal translation that could affect your booking negatively.

  • I have created a booking but I need to extend the time limit to purchase the tickets, can I extend the time limit?

    Saudia website offers (Time to think) service which allows you to extend the time limit, for more information please click here.