Expiry policy

More Value for your Reward Miles!

The ALFURSAN Program has undergone changes to ensure our loyal Members can draw more value from their Reward Miles. The changes include updates to the expiry policy. Previously Miles would expire 3 years after the date they were earned. We found that this has inhibited Members from using their Miles freely, especially if they were saving for a reward flight to an international destination.  
As of 13 December 2022, the expiry policy has been changed to allow Miles balances to be built up over a longer period of time by our Members. Now Miles expiry only occurs if a Member is not active in the ALFURSAN Program within a 2 years period. This means that Members who remain active will retain all of their Miles regardless of how long ago they were earned.  

ALFURSAN Miles Expiry Policy 

The validity of all the Reward Miles in a Member’s account will be extended for an additional 2 years period from the date of the last qualifying activity in the account. If a Member does not have any qualifying activity over the preceding 2 years period, then the total Miles balance in the member ́s account will expire. Miles cannot be re-credited after they expire.

For example, if you earn 2,000 Reward Miles on 1 January 2023, but you fail to engage in qualifying activity by 1 January 2025, all your Reward Miles will expire and be removed from your account, leaving your Reward Miles balance at zero.

What is an Active Member? 

An active member is a Member who has completed a qualifying activity during the past 2 years. By remaining active, all Reward Miles, regardless of when they were earned, will not expire. 

What is Qualifying Activity?

A Qualifying activity is where a Member engages with the ALFURSAN Program, usually in a manner whereby Reward Miles are earned or redeemed. 

See the complete list of ALFURSAN activity that categorizes you as an active Member: 

list of qualifying activities that count towards non-expiry of Miles
Type Detail
Flights              Any earned Reward Miles transaction from SAUDIA or SkyTeam Partners
Reward redemption   Any Reward Miles redemption transaction (redeeming Rewards such as Reward Tickets or Reward Upgrades)
Member Referral Bonus Reward Miles earned when a Member successfully refers a new Member to the ALFURSAN Program
Earn Reward Miles from Partners Where Reward Miles are earned on non-airline transactions (for example Reward Miles earned on an ALFURSAN-Partner credit card)
Reward Miles Purchase Transaction for purchasing Reward Miles
Gifting/ Transferring Reward Miles to Another Member Transaction for gifting or transferring Reward Miles to another Member


Implementing the New Expiry Policy 

With changes starting on 13 December 2022, we have allowed our Members an opportunity to hold onto all existing Miles until they engage in a qualifying activity, resetting their expiry period. 

Depending on the date of the last qualifying activity in the Member’s account on 13 December 2022, only one of the following concessions will be granted to the Member:  

  • Last qualifying activity within the last 12 months – the validity of all Reward Miles in the account will be extended until 12 December 2024. 
  • Last qualifying activity within the last 13 to 24 months – the validity of all Reward Miles in the account will be extended until 12 December 2023. 
  • Last qualifying activity over 24 months ago - the validity of all Reward Miles in the account will be extended until 12 September  2023.   

These provisions help Members retain their current Miles balance, ensuring our Members can extract as much value from our improved ALFURSAN Program as possible.


Terms and conditions: 

References to ALFURSAN Miles or Miles are to be construed as references to “Reward Miles” as defined in the ALFURSAN Program Terms and Conditions