
Sales Call Centers

To better serve you, call us at any of the following numbers from your country:

Sales Call Centers
Country or Territory Telephone Number
Saudi Arabia 920022222
Kuwait 22200072
United Arab Emirates 042485777
Qatar 00800101093
Bahrain 65005665
Oman 80074248
Jordan 065777766
Egypt 19898
UK +44 (0) 1217900430 | +44 (0) 1613940567 | +44 (0) 2079931238
France 33187651866 / 33187651055
Switzerland 0848006600
Germany 01803698888
Spain 34910602163
Italy +3906895848
USA 1-800-472-8342
Canada 1-855-588-0999
Turkey 90-8504551601

Contact the Care Center

For the latest FAQs and Terms & Conditions, please click here.
Website: please click here.
Whatsapp: 920022222
Post: Saudia, PO Box 24724, Jeddah 21446, Saudi Arabia

Alfursan Care Center
Country or Territory Telephone Number
Saudi Arabia 920022222 within KSA
+966 14847 9797 Outside KSA (Alfursan Queries)
+966 12686 1010 Outside KSA (Reward Tickets)
Jordan 065777766
UK +44 (0) 1217900430 | +44 (0) 1613940567
France 0820200505
Switzerland 0848006600
Germany 01803698888
Spain 910602163
USA 1-800-472-8342
Canada 1-855-588-0999
Turkey 90-8504551601

For other countries, click here.


The CCC’s objective is to provide our domestic and international customer with the required information, services and innovate solutions for their outgoing, transit and arrival shipments.

The center will handle all customers’ complaints ,inquires and request related to an Airway Bill journey and provide pro-active problem solving services. Also, it will take corrective action to trace and assure forwarding of delayed shipments in domestic and international stations. Moreover, the center will provide domestic and international GHAs and GSAs contact information up on request.

The CCC working hours is 8am – 11 pm Saudi local time (+3 GMT) 7 days a week.
You may call the CCC on +966 92000 3111
For more information, please visit our website:

Note: The Cargo Contact Center is only responsible to commercial cargo shipments and is not involved in tracing or claims for passenger and baggage services. For all related requests please contact the Saudia Airlines baggage service on the following line: +966 920022222.