What are cookies?

Like most websites, SAUDIA websites use cookies to collect information. Cookies are small data files which are placed on your computer or other devices (such as smart ‘phones or ‘tablets’) as you browse this website. They are used to ‘remember’ when your computer or device accesses our websites. Cookies are essential for the effective operation of our websites and to help you shop with us online. They are also used to tailor the products and services offered and advertised to you, both on our websites and elsewhere.

Information collected

Some cookies collect information about browsing and purchasing behaviour when you access this website with the same computer or device. This includes information about pages viewed, products purchased and your journey around a website. We don’t use cookies to collect or record information on your name, address or other contact details. SAUDIA can use cookies to monitor your browsing and purchasing behaviour.

How are cookies managed?

The cookies stored on your computer or other devices when you access our websites are designed by:

  • SAUDIA, or on behalf of and subsidiaries of SAUDIA, and are necessary to let you make purchases on our website;
  • Third parties who participate with us in marketing programmes; and
  • Third parties who broadcast web banner advertisements on behalf of SAUDIA.

What are cookies used for?

SAUDIA uses cookies on the website for the following purposes:


Cookies are used for technical reasons to enable the efficient working of the website to:

  • balance website traffic to ensure our customers receive a consistent and reliable service
  • limit traffic to key parts of the website in order to maintain performance levels
  • store your acceptance of the Privacy Policy, cookies policy and website terms and conditions, without which access is not granted to our website

Ease of Use

Cookies are used to enhance the ease of use of our website for customers. For example, to:

  • remember your language and country of choice and presenting relevant content
  • keep track of customers’ loyalty number when you have logged in
  • remember your selected departure airport when booking a flight


Cookies are used to gather statistics on how visitors use our site, to:

  • gather feedback on customer satisfaction through our website survey
  • gain insight into how visitors use the website so that we can make improvements to its usability


Cookies are used to enable us to present appropriate messages to you, to:

  • allow our website to serve up different versions of a page for marketing purposes
  • control invitations on the website for instant credit card offers
  • allow third parties to display appropriate advertising and to track its effectiveness
  • display messages which offer a selection of products based on what you're viewing on the website, which are presented to you by our agency when you visit other selected websites.

Please note though, that if you delete your cookie, we'll no longer know that you've opted out, so the banners from our third-party will reappear when you visit other selected websites.

For more details on the cookies that operate on our website please go to More information about cookies used on www.saudia.com.

How do I disable cookies?

If you want to disable cookies you need to change your website browser settings to reject cookies. How you can do this will depend on the browser you use. Further details on how to disable cookies for the most popular browsers are set out below:

For Microsoft Internet Explorer:

  1. Choose the menu “tools” then “Internet Options”
  2. Click on the “privacy” tab
  3. Select the setting the appropriate setting

For Google Chrome:

  1. Choose Settings> Advanced
  2. Under "Privacy and security," click “Content settings”.
  3. Click “Cookies”

For Safari:

  1. Choose Preferences > Privacy
  2. Click on “Remove all Website Data”

For Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Choose the menu “tools” then “Options”
  2. Click on the icon “privacy”
  3. Find the menu “cookie” and select the relevant options

For Opera 6.0 and further:

  1. Choose the menu Files”> “Preferences”
  2. Privacy

Microsoft Edge:

  1. Click on the actions menu (three dots tope left hand corner).
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Click on View advanced settings.
  4. Click on the drop down arrow
  5. Select ‘Block all Cookies’, ‘Block Only Third Party Cookies’ or Don’t Block Cookies’ as preferred.

What happens if I disable cookies?

This depends on which cookies you disable, but the website may not operate properly if cookies are switched off. If you only disable third party cookies, you will not be prevented from making purchases on our sites. If you disable all cookies, you won’t be able to complete a purchase on our sites.

More information about cookies

This table details some examples of the different cookies that our Platforms use. The table sets out information explaining the purpose of these cookies and where applicable, includes links to further information that may be of use.


Type Cookie Name Expiration Purpose
Analytics _ga_LVNZGXXWMB 2 years These cookies enhance user experience by improving security, personalization, and tracking. They assign unique identifiers, track sessions, store campaign data, and support tools like Google Optimize and Sitecore. They remember preferences, protect data, and deliver personalized ads. Some manage consent, check compatibility, and offer options to opt out of tracking.
_gat 1 minute
gac_gb<container-id></container-id> 90 days
utm cookies (e.g., _utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmz, _utmv) Varies (e.g., _utma - 2 years, _utmz - 6 months).
PREF 2 years.
SID and HSID 2 years.
_cs_id 13 months fixed
_cs_c 13 months renewed on uonimyzed consent command
_cs_cvars session
_cs_ex 30 days renewed on tag execution
_cs_optout 13 months fixed
_cs_t Immediately removed
_cs_same_site Immediately removed
_cs_root-domain Immediately removed
bid_{clientKey} stored for the duration of the session.
bx_bucket_number stored for the duration of the session.
bx_guest_ref stored for the duration of the session.
_hp2_id.APP_ID 13 months
_hp2_ses_props.APP_ID 30 minutes
_hp2_props.APP_ID 13 months
_hp5_meta.APP_ID 13 months
_hp5_event_props.APP_ID 13 months
_hp2_hld. Should not persist
userty.core.p.app_id_hash* 2 years
userty.core.s.app_id_hash* Current session
Functional CountryInfoId Session duration These cookies manage user consent, store country-specific preferences, and determine the user's GeoIP location to customize content, language, and navigation. They influence elements like the "Book Trip" component and flight menu tabs. Cookies also retain language preferences, manage privacy consent, and ensure a seamless experience during redirects to SXA pages.
country Session duration
userCountryMarket Session duration
CountryInfo Session duration
CountryName Session duration
ourServicesClicked Expires immediately
saudiairlines#lang Session duration
lang Session duration
privacy-notification Expires immediately
saudiawebapp#lang Expires immediately
Google Ads Marketing __gsas 3 months These Cookies deliver personalized ads and track user behavior to optimize ad campaigns and help safeguard user data, prevent fraud, and secure login systems. Additionally gather data on user interactions, such as session duration and site navigation, to improve site performance and user experience. Moreover ensure essential site features, like language preferences and session management, work smoothly. Together, these cookies enhance site personalization, security, and performance, tailoring the experience to each user while ensuring compliance with privacy standards.
__eoi 6 months
__gpi 13 months
__gpi_optout 13 months
NID 6 months
DSID 2 weeks
test_cookie 15 minutes
id OPT_OUT: fixed expiration (year 2030/11/09), non-OPT_OUT: 13 months EEA UK / 24 months elsewhere
__gads 13 months
ACLK_DATA 5 minutes
receive-cookie-deprecation 6 months
pm_sess 30 minutes
pm_sess_NNN 30 minutes
aboutads_sessNNN 30 minutes
FPAU 90 days
ANID* 13 months EEA UK / 24 months elsewhere
AID* 13 months EEA UK / 540 days elsewhere
ar_debug 90 days
IDE 13 months EEA UK / 24 months elsewhere
TAID* 14 days
FPGCLDC 90 days
_gcl_dc 90 days
_gcl_au 90 days
FLC 10 seconds
RUL 12 months
FCCDCF 13 months
FCNEC 365 days
FPGCLAW 90 days
FPGCLGB 90 days
FPGSID 90 days
_gcl_gb 90 days
_gac_gb_ 90 days
_gcl_aw 90 days
GCL_AW_P 90 days
_gcl_gs 90 days
_gcl_ag 90 days
1P_JAR* 30 days
Conversion 90 days
YSC Session
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE__k 180 days
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE__default 180 days
FPLC 20 hours
_ga 2 years
_gac_ 90 days
_gid 24 hours
_gat[_] 1 minute
__utma 2 years
__utmb 30 minutes
__utmc Session
__utmt 10 minutes
__utmz 6 months
__utmv 2 years
AMP_TOKEN 30 seconds to 1 year
FPID 2 years
GA_OPT_OUT 10 Nov 2030 (all cookies)
_ga_ 2 years
_dc_gtm_<property-id></property-id> 1 minute
_gaexp Set by customer; max of 93 days
_gaexp_rc 10 seconds
_opt_awcid 24 hours
_opt_awmid 24 hours
_opt_awgid 24 hours
_opt_awkid 24 hours
_opt_utmc 24 hours
_gcl_gf 90 days
_gcl_ha 90 days
_opt_expid 10 seconds
APC 6 months
Marketing _twq 60 days These cookies track user behavior for advertising across platforms like Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, and Snapchat, optimizing campaigns through retargeting and conversions. They also enhance user experience on the airline website, assist with bookings for billing, and ensure GDPR compliance.
_ttp 13 months
_fbp 90 days
_pintrk 60 Days
_scid 1 year
mc_tansel 30 days
mc_hid 30 days
airTRFX_cookies 400 days
Security CONSENT 20 years Stores the user's cookie consent preferences to comply with GDPR and other privacy regulations