• What are the available services at Saudia.com?

    SAUDIA website provides reservation and issuing tickets services along with purchasing excess baggage, seats and WI-FI vouchers, information about flights’ schedule, issuing and cancelling boarding pass, refund tickets, reissue reservations. The website also displays the latest updates and news related to SAUDIA, travel offers and new destinations.

  • Can I book for an unaccompanied minor through Saudia website?

    The booking reference must contain one adult at least to complete the booking process, and in case of requesting a booking for an unaccompanied minor, you have to contact SAUDIA call center through 920022222 to further assist you.

  • Do I have to provide a visa for the country I wish to travel to before booking?

    The website allows reservation without asking for visas, but you have to ensure that you have a visa or provide it before your travelling date.

  • Can I correct the contact number through Saudia website?

    No, you can’t and should call SAUDIA call centers through 920022222 to have that service done, knowing that you can modify your contact number in the reservation only and cannot modify it for issued tickets.

  • How do I book my flights?

    On the home page, You will find a list of the destinations that Saudia and its partners fly to where all you need to do is to choose a departure and arrival destinations.

  • Can I book more than one destination in one booking reference through Saudia website?

    The website allows a one way or round trip flights or multiple destinations which allows our guest to choose more than one destination.

  • I’ve made a booking through Saudia website and wish to cancel it!

    Canceling bookings isn’t available through SAUDIA website, unless the passenger wishes to refund the ticket, then it will be automatically cancelled if performing the refund process.

  • Can I cancel a boarding pass through Saudia website?

    Yes, this service is available through Saudia website.

  • Which calendar to choose when looking up flights?

    The approved calendar is the Gregorian one.

  • Can I correct the passenger’s name via Saudia website?

    No, you can’t correct name after completing booking process through Saudia website.